About Nationwide Ceil Clean

nationwide ceil clean professional cleaning services are 100% satisfaction guaranteed


NATIONWIDE CEIL-CLEAN Inc. started in 2006 as a ceiling cleaning business specializing in the cleaning of ceiling tiles for restaurants and commercial establishments. In adition to both independent restaurants and restaurant chains such as Panera Bread, Portillo’s, Red Robin, and Red Lobster, services also expanded into carpet, upholstery and floor cleaning based on demand from our established restaurant clients. Beyond restaurants, NATIONWIDE CEIL-CLEAN expanded to cleaning residential homes and non foodservice businesses around the Chicagoland area. We now serve clients in a multi-state geography, with a plan to grow nationally from coast to coast.

The business growth strategy for NATIONWIDE CEIL-CLEAN, Inc. has been and continues to be the elevation of standards in the janitorial and general cleaning industry while holding prices at competitive levels. Eexceeding customer expectations is one of our core values. We look forward to serving you.

NATIONWIDE CEIL-CLEAN believes in equality and opportunity for its workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment as we are currently in the process of being recognized as a Certified B Corporation. Certified B Corporations are a new kind of business that balances purpose and profits, and is legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on all players and participants in the business model. This is the most powerful way to build credibility, trust, and value for our business and our relationships. Also, we're in the process of becoming recognized as a small business with an SBA certification. The business then is recognized as being at least 51% owned and controlled by a U.S. citizen who is considered “socially disadvantaged” due to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias.




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